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Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes Cereal Review

frosted flakes

Hello Friends, have you heard of Frosted Flakes? I am sure your loved little ones definitely know.

Frosted Flakes, also called Frosties are simply a breakfast cereal, created by the Kellogg Company, and it consists of sugar coated corn flakes.

They are considered slightly unhealthy especially due to its sugary content; however, if statistics are to be believed, it’s the second most highly sold cereal in this form. Tony the Tiger has been the mascot of these sweet flakes since inception. The brand slogan in Tony’s words says, “They‘re Gr-r-reat”

Friends, I have reviewed a couple of Frosted flakes by Kellogg’s based on its content. Although they aren’t the healthiest of foods, it surely isn’t an ignorable product as well. Check out the below section for more details

Kellogg’s Frosted flakes with Tony the Tiger are delicious crafted cereals that are crunchy and sweet. Every spoon of these awesome corn flakes is sweet, having essential vitamins and minerals for your loved little and moreover, it’s fat-free. So any time of the day, whether morning breakfast or evening snacks, this is a perfect filling option.

Kellogg’s Frosties imported from the UK is moderated priced crunchy corn flakes with a perfect coating of sweet frosting. It is an amazing breakfast snack for kids of growing age having decent proportions of vitamin D content. This product also contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and iron which enables energy building in your body.

1. Are Frosted Flakes healthy?

Honestly, I won’t put them in a healthy category, it has similarities with chocolate rice cereals and honey-nut combination in terms of nutrition. But the fact is it is high in sugar content, low in fibre and has added salts. And that’s why not a very healthy cereal.

2. Are Frosted Flakes and Corn Flakes the same?

Well Almost! Frosted flakes are corn flakes having a sugary coating on them. Nutritionally Corn flakes are carbohydrates mainly and while talking about frosted flakes, sugar is also carbs. Thus, when compared in equal quantities, both are similar in terms of nutritive value.

3. Is it bad to eat Frosted Flakes at night?

Yes, as per health experts, consuming food with high sugar and low fiber during the night will affect the body’s blood sugar levels; it will trigger excess production of insulin in the morning due to high sugar content. However, it isn’t risky enough as such. If there’s a craving, then you can have these cereal in moderation with warm milk. 

Prerna Porwal
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