Editor Choice

Best Rose Petal Powder in India | Organic Brands for Face and Skin Whitening 2022

rose petal powder

To be frank with my esteemed readers, let me tell you, I only knew about Rose as a scented flower with different colors and mostly it being sold in varieties of Red and Yellow significantly for expressing love and friendship with people. However, after nights of research and analysis, my viewpoint of considering the Rose as merely a beautiful flower has been changed as this has numerous uses and health benefits to offer all of us. So stay tuned and read ahead to learn more about the lovely roses and also request you to educate your loved ones as well. Check below the amazing brands for the best rose petal powder in India.

Rose plant is a perennial flowering plant belonging to genus Rosa or Rosaceae. Roses are one of the most magnificently aromatic flowers in the world. It is widely used in the perfume industry; these sweet-smelling flowers have numerous therapeutic benefits and have been used widely in traditional skincare folk remedies. 

Rose petal powder is one of the best ingredients to naturally boost your health and beauty. It has high contents of Vitamin C, pectin and citric acid

Merlion rose powder is a natural skin toner, its fine sieved powder is useful in preventing the skin from inflammation and heat. It is the best rose petal powder in India. The cooling powder of organic roses contains antioxidants that fight the free radicals, skin irritants and germs. It is suitable for sensitive skin. It retains all the vitamins and minerals content found in the natural rose herb as it is organically processed without using any artificial chemicals.

Key Features:

  • Merlion Rose powder makes the skin very soft, smooth and glowing
  • It is 100% Natural, animal cruelty-free and a vegan product
  • It provides a cooling sensation to the body and helps to support the nervous system as well
  • It is an excellent body skin cleanser
  • It has no side effects on any skin types
  • It is free from artificial chemicals and preservatives
  • It is slightly more expensive than all other products I have selected in the top picks

Elemensis Naturals is a well-known brand for producing several organic beauty products. This natural and organic powder is nutrient-rich and has a wide range of positive benefits for us. This is the second best rose petal powder in india. Elemensis procure the best rose produce of the Western Ghats of India and is processed in state of art processing centers. This double-filtered rose powder has anti-aging properties and is widely praised for its ability to prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Key Features:

  • It is a great skin cleanser giving a radiant complexion
  • It is helpful to detoxify the skin
  • It gets rid of facial skin blemishes and acne scars
  • It is suitable for all skin types
  • It is rich in vitamin C and helps in sun protection and provides relief to sunburned skin areas.
  • It does not have any side effects

Nature’s Tattva rose petal powder is a unique herbal powder.  First, it is processed and produced in the traditional method without using any chemicals, Secondly, it is sun-dried powder without using any colors or preservatives. The unique quotient of Nature’s Tattva rose powder is that it is prepared by processing only the rose petals of the plant and not the entire rose flower. Thus it’s slightly expensive compared to other brands in the market. However, this unique powder even when used in smaller quantities does wonder on your skin. This is the third best rose petal powder in India.

Key Features:

  • It is 100% Natural
  • It does not contain Genetically Modified Organism (Non-GMO products)
  • It is a Vegan product
  • Finely powdered to increase efficiency
  • It is free from preservatives

The rose petals of Nature’s Tattva are sourced from the rose city of India called Kannauj, the origin of all rose products.

Nutreze Herbs and Naturals rose powder is a fine reddish powder which is rich in antioxidants. This powder is organic and consists of pure and natural herbs. It is manufactured by Westfield Collections in Ahmedabad state of India and USDA certified product. This is the fourth best rose petal powder in India.

Key Features:

  • It lightens the skin tone
  • It helps to retain the moisture balance
  • It reduces the signs of aging
  • It is free of toxic chemicals and preservatives
  • It is useful in reducing suntan
  • It brightens the skin and acts as a natural beach when combined with yogurt or honey

According to Ayurveda studies, the rose is very useful in balancing Sadhaka Pitta, a body dosha that is responsible for one’s emotions and heart. Sadhaka Pitta (Pitta sub-dosha) goes out of balance mostly in the summer season when heat aggravates Pitta dosha; the rose plays an important role in cooling your body and supporting emotional balance.

  • Rose along with cooling down the body from the heat also helps to boost the digestive fire or Agni at the same instance.
  • Rose is perfect for balancing all three body doshas, and is thus a tridoshic herb. 
  • Rose flower is used in several Ayurvedic medicinal formulations or Rasayanas in different forms like powder, decoction, rose water and even essential oils.
  • As per a case study published in the Journal of Food Science, it mentions that rose petals powder is suitable to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. 
  • Rose helps to improve the blood circulation in the body, prevent constipation and even cure depression
  • It is useful in healing the wounds
  • Rose is widely used in manufacturing eye drops due to its antiseptic property. It relieves burning eye sensation.
  • It is used to treat sore throats and ulcers.
  • Roses have a pleasant smell; it is suitable in treating insomnia.

1) Rose Petal powder is used to get rid of dandruff.

As we all know dandruff is a very common hair issue and many people complain for the same. Rose petal powder contains an antioxidant property which is helpful to get rid of flakes and dandruff. Rose petal powder can be used to prepare a paste that treats the dead scalp region and helps to prevent dandruff. It is also useful to retain moisture content and reduce inflammation in hair giving you a shiny natural look.

2) Rose powder stabilizes the pH level.

As we all know the pH value of hair is in the range of 4.5 to 5.5 and rose powder is useful to maintain the required pH level. Rose powder is useful in maintaining the acidity balance. It helps to protect your hair against infections and damage and helps to enhance the pH levels. Rose petals powder nourishes the hair and maintains the necessary oils in scalp and hair.

3) Rose power is useful in hydrating your hair.

Rose petal powder paste is useful in hydrating your hair and making them shiny and bouncy. It is chemically free and does not contain hard metals and acidic compounds; hence it is an excellent nourishing powder. Rose powder also removes the unnecessary salts from the hair.

4) Rose powder is useful for hair growth.

Friends, we know that Vitamins and nutrients are very essential for body growth. For hair and scalp growth and its nourishment, vitamins A, B, C and E are very vital and to your knowledge, the Rose petal powder is loaded with these vitamins. Rose powder paste also helps your scalp to enhance blood circulation which is useful to rejuvenate the follicles of the scalp region. It provides additional shine and softness to hair and if it is used regularly it also enhances hair growth. Rose powder also acts as a natural hair deodorant due to its sweet natural smell.

5) Rose powder is used as an anti-bacterial and cleanser.

Rose petal powder can be used to prepare a paste with Ayurvedic ingredients and applied to your hair and scalp for thorough cleansing. Rose powder is loaded with several antibacterial properties and is perfect for killing bacteria on the hair and scalp without causing dryness. The antibacterial properties of rose powder prevent the hair from various fungal infections as well.

6) Rose Powder benefits and uses for Skin

For years, women have been using rose petal powder and rose water for their skincare. Rose powder is enriched with vital vitamins B, C, and K which give an amazing glow to the skin make it look flawless.

Rose Powder Benefits for Skin

1) Rose is an excellent cleanser and exfoliator.

Natural Rose powder is pure and acts as an excellent natural exfoliator. Although,

exfoliator tends to have a slightly coarse texture, Rose powder is very fine and

sieved, and produces a silky smooth and soft paste to clear the dead skin cells and

accumulated dirt and also cleans the pores.

2) Rose as an Anti-inflammatory natural coolant.

The organic rose petal powder is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and acts as

a coolant to treat sunburns and skin marks.

3) Rose helps to even out your skin tone.

For years, we have been using rose water as a natural skin toner supplement.

Rose powder can also be regularly used to get rid of skin pigmentation issues and

even skin tone.

4) Rose powder prevents aging and wrinkles.

Rose powder comprises anti-aging elements and prevents the skin from getting

wrinkles by skin tightening. Regular use of rose powder can be helpful to get

younger-looking bright skin.

5) Rose powder reduces dark circles.

Our life is full of stress these days and Dark circles are a very common issue that

results from excess body stress. Pure Rose powder is beneficial to reduce the dark

circles on the face by regular usage.

6) Rose powder helps to control excess oil formation.

Rose powder is highly suitable for people having oily skin since it aids in

preventing and controlling oil formation on the skin without causing dryness.

7) Rose powder lightens the skin blemishes.

8) Rose petal powder prevents acne.

Facial skin acne is one of the issues one needs to get rid of as quickly as possible. Rose petal powder can be combined with Ayurvedic natural ingredients and used to prepare an anti-acne paste for treating swollen acne and reducing the scar marks.

9) Rose powder helps to relieve sunburnt skin.

The best Rose petal powder iin India s highly favorable for soothing the sunburnt skin. The Vitamin C content in it protects the skin from harmful UV rays of sun and prevents damage caused to the skin cells.

10) Balances Vata & Pitta body dosha

According to the Ayurvedic study, Rose is naturally sweet and oily in natural form and it calms the Vata body dosha. The sugary taste of rose petals soothes the body Vata and its oiliness moisturizes the dry Vata dosha. Roses also possess a cooling tendency and astringent taste which helps to calm down the Pitta dosha.

Apart from these important benefits, Natural Rose petal powder is also beneficial to:

  • Support the central nervous system
  • Helpful in Nourishing, cleansing & moisturizing all types of skin

 Rose powder Benefits for Hair:

  • It helps in cleansing the scalp area by getting rid of extra oil, sebum and also dead skin cells.
  • It helps to relieve dandruff issues
  • It boosts the blood circulation to the scalp and thus supports hair growth
  • It keeps the hair and scalp region hydrated.
  • It provides more shine and volume to hair.
  • It acts as a natural hair conditioner.
  • It improves hair density and promotes hair growth.
1. How do you make Rose Powder?

Here is an easy DIY recipe for preparing the Rose powder

  • Procure fresh red roses and wash the rose petals gently with water to remove the dirt and residues present in it
  • After washing the roses, let them dry in a shady place without direct sun rays falling on it.
  • Once the petals are dried, simply grind all of them in the blender to form a fine powder.
  • Use a simple strainer or sieve to obtain a coarse free fine powder
  • You can now store the powder in an airtight container for further use.

Please note: The color of the Rose powder we prepared by the above method depends mainly on the colour of the roses we have used. Hence do not worry if it’s a bit lighter or darker than the branded products.

2. How do I use the rose petal powder to whiten my skin?

Rose petal powder has several skin benefits which are mentioned in the above sections. Roses make your facial skin glow and rejuvenate the dead skin cells and lighten the skin tone.

To obtain a glowy skin, here is a simple DIY recipe for you all:

Ingredients required:

  • Organic Rose petal powder
  • Organic Turmeric powder
  • Almond oil
  • Aloe Vera infused water
  • Rose water

For preparing the paste, simply mix one tablespoon of natural and organic Rose petal powder and add one teaspoon of natural and organic Turmeric powder in it. Mix it well and add 5-6 drops of Aloe vera water and mix all the ingredients, you can also add rose water to make the paste smooth and silky.

  • Apply the freshly made paste on your face for about 20 – 30 minutes and let it dry
  • Simply wash the face with water and do not rub the face with a cloth.
  • You can use Turmeric or Aloevera-based skin moisturizer to keep the skin nourished.

3.     Can we use rose powder daily?

Yes, Surely! Rose petal powder has no side effects on skin and hair and can be used daily directly or even by mixing with other Ayurvedic herbs. Rose powder if applied on a daily basis improves the complexion and gives you pinkish soft glowy skin.

Apart from this, Rose petal powder acts as a natural sunscreen. It protects against the effects of free radicals, air pollutants and harmful UV rays of the sun if used on a day-to-day basis.

4.     Is Rose powder good for Dry skin?

Rose petal powder has astringent properties which remove excess oil from the skin and helps to maintain oil balance and pH value of skin. Thus, Rose is suitable for all types of skin. Moroccan rose oil is one of the best rose oil for dry skin and it’s well known for its anti-aging properties as well.

For individuals having even extreme dry skin, rose petal powder is the solution to keep it moisturized and hydrated. Take 1-2 teaspoons of pure rose powder and mix it with milk cream to form a silky paste. Apply this paste on your dry skin daily for about 15-20 minutes and rinse it gently with cold water. You will be surprised to see the considerable differences after using this technique.

5. How to prepare Rose water?

Here is a natural chemical-free rose water DIY recipe for you all!

  • Procure 8 to 10 fresh and clean red roses and wash them with normal water properly before using them
  • Make sure the rose petals are clean and free from dirt
  • Now gently pluck the rose petals and put them in a bowl of clean water.
  • Now heat the bowl and boil them by closing the top lid.
  •  You can occasionally check by opening the lid to find whether the colour of the rose petals is completely faded or not.
  • Once the color is faded switch off the heating and allow the mixture to cool down to room temperature then strain it.
  • Store the liquid in the airtight container in the fridge for further usage.

Apply the liquid to the face and near the eyes for a soothing and cooling sensation. Rosewater also relieves us from stress.

I have solved your efforts to find the best organic Rose Petal Powder currently being sold in the market. I have carried out detailed research on every leading seller of this ancient herb both online and offline and compiled a list of the 4 best and most trustworthy sources of Red rose powder manufacturers considering all important aspects in selection. Check out the further section for details of these premier players producing pure and organic Rose Powder.

Check out the amazing benefits of using rose oil in your daily beauty regimen.

Hope after reading this detailed article, you will make an informed decision on buying the best rose petal powder in India.

Prerna Porwal
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